Buy your key with PayPal and start using AutoDalle in a few moments !

To unlock the trial version, buy your activation key:
Choose from these validity lengths :

  • 5 days : € 34.00
  • 15 days : € 44.00
  • 1 month : € 54.00
  • 2 months : € 59.00
  • 6 months : € 154.00
  • 12 months : € 299.00

Indicate if you will use predefined paving model or define your own model, in this case only, enter the size of all slabs you want to create. ex (30×20; 30×60; etc…) (this information is necessary to understand how the software is used for purposes of improvement)

If you wish to receive an invoice, fill in the four billing address fields: “Street”, “Zip code”, “City” and “Country” . (pdf document attached to the e-mail containing the key)

Click on “Buy Now” button, you will be redirected to securised payment site PayPal. This site allows you to pay with your bank card, you don’t need to have or create a paypal account.

A few minutes after the confirmation of payment, you will receive your activation key by e-mail.(e-mail address entered during the payment procedure).

Follow the instructions explained in this e-mail to activate the software.(use the download function if the mail delivery time is too long, see software help.)

This key will allow you to use the software only for one workstation, as many times as you want, without functional restriction during the chosen validity length. Expiry date is determined from the activation date of the software.

Validity length / Price

Model used

List of defined slabs

N°, Street,…

Zip code



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